Helping All Children Learn and Thrive

child with raised arm

The first 10 years of a child’s life are a critical developmental period that impacts all that follows. Opportunity and achievement gaps begin early for millions of children who live in families with low or below poverty-level incomes. Across the country EDC’s First 10 initiative is supporting community partnerships in building on families’ strengths, improving outcomes for thousands of children.

A Theory of Action to Drive Change

First 10 Theory of Action

The First 10 Theory of Action outlines the goals and objectives that First 10 Schools and Communities should support, the kinds of schools and community institutions they are trying to build, and the roles these partnerships play in supporting these goals… Learn More

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Bringing Care and Connection to Early Childhood Education

At our February First 10 Network meeting we were joined by Isabelle Hau, executive director of the Stanford Accelerator of Learning and Lisa Luceno, senior director...
Image of an adult talking to a child about their project.

Campaign for Grade-level Reading Webinar: Maine’s Distinctive Approach to Community Schools from the First 10 Network

State and district leaders from Maine shared the state’s innovative approach to First 10 at a recent Campaign for Grade-Level Reading webinar, First 10...
Promotion of the CGLR webinar listing the speakers.
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