Featured: Letter announcing new website, network updates, and keynotes; External Evaluation Report Shows Impact of First 10 Pilot in Michigan; Evaluation of Rhode Island First 10 Work; Case Study on First 10 in East Providence, RI
Latest Friends of First 10 Newsletter
Newsletter Archive
Featured: Monthly First 10 Network Meetings; Practical Ideas for Deepening Family Partnerships, new First 10 blog post; Resource Spotlight: Lost in the Labyrinth: Helping Parents Navigate Early Care and Education Programs | Research Brief: Relationships | Research Brief: Sustained High-Quality Experiences | Essential Instructional Practices in Language and Emergent Literacy: Birth to Age 3 | Essential Instructional Practices in Early Literacy: Prekindergarten | Essential Instructional Practices in Early Literacy: Grades K to 3.
Featured: The Power of First 10 Partnerships, Early Learning Nation article; Monthly First 10 Network Meetings; School Connected Play & Learns, new First 10 blog post; Resource Spotlight: The Basics: Skill-Building Activities for Groups of Caregivers and Their Infants/Toddlers | Centering Equity in Home-School Relations | Learning How States, Districts, and Educators are Strengthening Kindergarten | The Case for Community Schools Districts | Math Mindset Readings & Resources.
Featured: Blog: Campaign for Grade-Level Reading webinar on First 10 school-community partnerships; New First 10 Video; East Providence, RI First 10 Strategies; Resource Spotlight: Advancing Racial Equity through Neighborhood Informed Early Childhood Policies, Family Engagement Core Competencies; Funding Opportunity: U.S. DOE Full Service Community Schools Grant
Featured: Campaign for Grade-Level Reading webinar on First 10 school-community partnerships; Blog: First 10 Highlights from Lancaster County, PA: Impact Spotlight Video; Summer Institutes; Resource Spotlight: Be Strong Families: Parent Cafes, Community Schools as an Effective School Improvement Strategy, and The Good, the Bad, and the Lonely.
Featured: Blog: The First 10 Network Is Underway; Resource Spotlight: Transition to Kindergarten Toolkit, Superintendents’ Early Childhood Plan, and Community Schools and the Science of Learning and Development.
Featured: Announcement of the First 10 Network; First 10 Spotlight on East Providence; and Head Start School-Community Partnerships.