
Lori Connors-Tadros

Strategic Advisor, The National Association of State Leaders in Early Education (NASLEE)
Lori Connors-Tadros

Dr. Lori Connors-Tadros has 45+ years of experience as a preschool special education teacher, state early education administrator, researcher, and technical assistance specialist. Lori has deep expertise in comprehensive state early childhood systems, finance and governance for effective policy implementation. She is particularly passionate about the need to build leadership and agency capacity to utilize research to implement policy to improve outcomes for young children. Dr. Connors-Tadros has led numerous federally funded technical assistance centers funded by federal agencies, including the Center on Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes, providing technical assistance to state early childhood administrators and other stakeholders across the country on key policy priorities. Lori has been involved with NASLEE for over 20 years. She is most proud of the partnership between NAECS-SDE and CEELO, where we implemented many initiatives to support state early education leaders.  Lori is currently a strategic advisor to NASLEE, serving on the policy committee, overseeing NASLEE Leadership Academy, and other projects as needed. Lori has a Ph.D. in Developmental and Educational Psychology and an MS in early childhood special education.  Lori serves as the Vice Chair of the Board of the National Parents as Teachers Home Visiting Program.