“Purple Agenda” at Preschool Matters Today
In case you had trouble accessing my recent commentary in Education Week, Preschool Matters Today has now re-published it: A Purple Agenda for (Early) Education.
A Purple Agenda for (Early) Education
Early-childhood education is ripe for bipartisan support in #edpolicy, writes @jacobsondl. #backpage #earlyedhttps://t.co/5mTM8D1bhG — Education Week Opinion (@EdWeekOpinion) May 10, 2017 I’m pleased to share my commentary in today’s Education Week, “A Purple Agenda for (Early) Education (print edition title).” It begins: “Education policy has become as polarized as the rest of American politics. In the…
Principles of Effective P-3 Partnerships: Improved Family Engagement Language
I have strengthened the language around family engagement and support in the principles for effective P-3 partnerships and the associated theory of action graphic. You will see that I drew on a consolidated version of the renowned Head Start family and community engagement outcomes, which I think are right on-point and fit well within the context of…
How Early Learning Partnerships Can Drive Results
Late last week I posted a new version of a theory of action and 7 principles for P-3 Community Partnerships. The aim of the piece is to help clarify the important role P-3 partnerships can play in improving outcomes for young children. Based on what we have learned about early learning partnerships around the country,…
Version 2.0: A Theory of Action and 7 Principles for P-3 Partnerships
This post updates a theory of action and 7 associated principles that I first posted last year. I’ve revised a few of the principles, and the principles line up with the graphics much more clearly now. I also draw attention to three distinctive features of the theory of action. According to the blogging platform Medium, this post…
New Study: Community Partnerships for Early Education
I’m pleased to announce that EDC has received a grant from the California-based Heising-Simons Foundation. The grant is funding a study of place-based approaches to improving early learning outcomes for young children. I will work with my colleague, Kyle DeMeo Cook, to investigate three types of community partnerships for early education: Cradle-to-Career partnerships that bring…
How Three States are Building P-3 Systems
Alyssa Haywoode has done a nice summary of Building State P-3 Systems at Eye on Early Education.
A Working Theory of Action for P-3 Community Partnerships
I have now posted Version 2.0 of the Theory of Action and 7 principles. Please see this post for the updated version.
Building State P-3 Systems: Learning from Leading States
The Center for Enhancing Early Learning Outcomes (CEELO) recently released a report I wrote comparing P-3 System-Building in Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. The three case studies address a central question: How can states support P-3 system building at both state and local levels? See the Executive Summary at the beginning of the report for nine themes and…
Building a Citywide Birth—3rd System: One City’s Plan
We are aware that building a coherent system is more time consuming and less flashy than just adding more slots or more dollars to an existing system. But we have an opportunity to … build a system that coherently knits together our existing resources and thoughtfully brings in new resources to meet the needs of…