First 10 Blog

Each year, starting in 2021, Head Start teachers, community-based Pre-K teachers, district Pre-K and K teachers, and assorted administrators in York, PA, have come together in the summer for a 1-day joint professional learning experience. York’s First 10 Summer Institutes have been a great way for this community of educators...

New Jersey is well-known for its leadership in early learning. Notable examples include the state’s highly-regarded preschool and kindergarten implementation guidelines, its investment in preschool across the state, extensive support for PreK-3rd early literacy in...

Writing from Day 4 of Massachusetts’ Early Educators Leadership Institute, I want to share a set of resources on early childhood assessment that Albert Wat (National Governors Association) and Linda Warren (Early Childhood Associates) have pulled...

So exclaimed Libby Doggett, the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Policy and Early Learning at the US Department of Education. Doggett discussed the Birth—3rd movement at the recent District Leadership Summit in Chicago organized by the...

As I’ve mentioned before, Strategies for Children and I are both supporting New Bedford’s Birth–3rd Alignment Partnership. See this Eye on Early Education post on New Bedford’s work to improve social and emotional skill development using...

Check out the growing list of resources on the Too Small to Fail website, including the Talking is Teaching Community Campaign Guide.


For an introduction to the important new report, Transforming the Workforce For Children Birth through Age 8: A Unifying Foundation, see this post by Lisa Guernsey, who served on the report’s committee. From Guernsey’s post:...