First 10 Blog

Image of an adult talking to a child about their project.

At our February First 10 Network meeting we were joined by Isabelle Hau, executive director of the Stanford Accelerator of Learning and Lisa Luceno, senior director of Early Childhood Strategy at Briya Public Charter School. A nationally recognized early childhood leader, Isabelle discussed her important new book, Love to Learn:...

State and district leaders from Maine shared the state’s innovative approach to First 10 at a recent Campaign for Grade-Level Reading webinar, First 10 School-Community Partnerships in Action. This webinar was the second in a...

Promotion of the CGLR webinar listing the speakers.

Maine began working with First 10 Director David Jacobson in 2018, implementing First 10 practices in 13 schools across the state. This early work led to the creation of a state-level, cross-agency team that promotes...

Bookshelf of selected books for young children and a First 10 sign, with a First 10 Sanford team member standing in front of the bookshelf.

In November, the First 10 Partnership in York, PA welcomed Swati Adarkar, deputy assistant secretary of policy and early learning at the U.S. Department of Education (ED); Ralph Smith, managing director at the Campaign for...

A group photo of people that includes Dr. Andrea Berry-Brown, Ralph Smith, David Jacobson, and Swati Adarkar.

The Campaign for Grade-level Reading webinar, The First 10 Framework: Exploring Best Practices and Community Innovations was the first in a three-part series of webinars focused on First 10. This first webinar, highlighted two communities...

Image of the presenters for the Campaign for Grade-level Reading webinar, The First 10 Framework: Exploring Best Practices and Community Innovations.

Improved levels of academic achievement and healthy social-emotional development for students are among the many benefits of strong family-school partnerships. At the October First 10 Network Meeting, EDC’s Jenny Portillo-Nacu, Senior Team Facilitator for First...

Children and families at 2024 York, PA First 10 Summer Institute.

Each month, First 10 communities from across the U.S. come together to share best practices at First 10 Network Meetings. In September, we were joined by two special guests: Swati Adarkar, Deputy Assistant Secretary of...

Webinar: Kindergarten as a Sturdy Bridge and the Transition to 1st Grade. Presenters: Swati Adarkar (US ED) and Ralph Smith (CGLR)