First 10 Blog

A group photo of people that includes Dr. Andrea Berry-Brown, Ralph Smith, David Jacobson, and Swati Adarkar.

In November, the First 10 Partnership in York, PA welcomed Swati Adarkar, deputy assistant secretary of policy and early learning at the U.S. Department of Education (ED); Ralph Smith, managing director at the Campaign for Grade Level Reading (CGLR); and members of EDC’s First 10 team to their community to learn...

A task force of social scientists from Brookings and Duke University has produced a consensus statement on what we know about the effects of pre-kindergarten. Brookings introduces the statement and a report on the current state of...

  From today’s New York Times: “As many American parents know, hiring care for young children during the workday is punishingly expensive, costing the typical family about a third of its income. Helping parents pay...

As Paul Reville says, “What we actually have now is a felicitous dovetailing of our moral obligations and our economic imperatives.” Here is another case in point countering the idea that all social services discourage work....

Late last week I posted a new version of a theory of action and 7 principles for P-3 Community Partnerships. The aim of the piece is to help clarify the important role P-3 partnerships can...

From Chalkbeat: “The launch of Pre-K for All led to improved health outcomes for low-income children. That’s according to researchers at New York University who analyzed Medicaid data for New York City children who were eligible...

This post updates a theory of action and 7 associated principles that I first posted last year. I’ve revised a few of the principles, and the principles line up with the graphics much more clearly now....