First 10 Blog

Bookshelf of selected books for young children and a First 10 sign, with a First 10 Sanford team member standing in front of the bookshelf.

Maine began working with First 10 Director David Jacobson in 2018, implementing  First 10 practices in 13 schools across the state. This early work led to the creation of a state-level, cross-agency team that promotes connections between early education initiatives. Currently, the Maine Department of Education provides a state level...

An evaluation brief by the American Institutes for Research® (AIR®) shares findings from the first year of implementation in Michigan communities, including successes and challenges. The brief outlines the following successes: The First 10 Model Is Designed...

Each month, we bring together First 10 partners from across the U.S. to share best practices via First 10 Network Meetings. In October, we heard from the Conestoga Valley team from Lancaster, PA. Conestoga Valley...

First 10 brings together school districts, elementary schools, early childhood programs, and community agencies to build coherent systems of support for young children and their families. Although our First 10 communities share the same model,...

We at First 10 were excited to welcome Dr. Karen Mapp to our May network meeting. Dr. Mapp, a Senior Lecturer on Education at the Harvard Graduate School of Education (HGSE) and Faculty Director of...

The First 10 Network launched in 2022 as a way to connect First 10 communities to one another so that they can learn about and build on each other’s innovations and adapt them to meet...

The Campaign for Grade-level Reading webinar, First 10 Community Partnerships in Action, was an opportunity to hear from communities about how they are implementing First 10 strategies to build cohesive supports for children, ages 0...
