First 10 Blog

Each year, starting in 2021, Head Start teachers, community-based Pre-K teachers, district Pre-K and K teachers, and assorted administrators in York, PA, have come together in the summer for a 1-day joint professional learning experience. York’s First 10 Summer Institutes have been a great way for this community of educators...

For external perspectives on “The Primary Years Agenda: Strategies to Guide District Action,” see: Districts Play a Key Role in Building Quality Early Childhood Programs (Education Week) Who Knows What’s Happening? Creating Pre-K through 3rd...

In addition to the good coverage over at Eye on Early Education, see EdCentral’s Early Ed Update for a helpful round-up of commentary on the White House Summit and the Preschool Development Grants.


I have occasionally referred to the Collective Impact Model, a powerful approach cross-sector collaboration used by many communities across the country, including Pittsfield. The approach is based on the five conditions shown in the graphic...

Last night at a joint meeting of the Boards of the Department of Early Education and Care and the Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Boards approved motions to create a joint sub-committee on...

I just learned that tomorrow’s convening at Harvard, The Leading Edge of Early Childhood Education: Linking Science to Policy for a New Generation of Pre-Kindergarten, will be live-streamed at this URL. The event includes an...

NPR’s story on the recent report, Worthy Work, STILL Unlivable Wages, includes several quotations from Deborah Phillips, one of the co-authors of the study: “There’s a disconnect between our 21st-century knowledge about early childhood teaching and these...