First 10 Blog

Bookshelf of selected books for young children and a First 10 sign, with a First 10 Sanford team member standing in front of the bookshelf.

Maine began working with First 10 Director David Jacobson in 2018, implementing  First 10 practices in 13 schools across the state. This early work led to the creation of a state-level, cross-agency team that promotes connections between early education initiatives. Currently, the Maine Department of Education provides a state level...

Created as part of the book by Greg Duncan and Richard Murnane, Restoring Opportunity: The Crisis of Inequality and the Challenge for American Education.


Another example of the potential for bi-partisan support of early childhood programs (in line with A Purple Agenda for (Early) Education). From Education Week’s Early Years blog: “Proving that leaving Congress sometimes makes it easier to...

The Latest from Child Trends: “A new Child Trends report finds growing evidence for the effectiveness of a rapidly expanding approach to educational achievement. Integrated student supports (ISS) promote students’ academic success by connecting them...

How Alabama is trying to create a seamless, high-quality early education continuum that goes from PreK through third grade: #earlyed — Simon Workman (@SJWorkman) November 27, 2017  
