First 10 Blog

Each year, starting in 2021, Head Start teachers, community-based Pre-K teachers, district Pre-K and K teachers, and assorted administrators in York, PA, have come together in the summer for a 1-day joint professional learning experience. York’s First 10 Summer Institutes have been a great way for this community of educators...

From yesterday’s New York Times: It has been nearly 20 years since a landmark education study found that by age 3, children from low-income families have heard 30 million fewer words than more affluent children, putting...

By the start of middle school, The Afterschool Corp. estimates that children in poverty have received 6,000 fewer hours of learning outside of school—both enrichment and support—than their middle-income peers. While many programs target low-income...

This Education Week article discusses new kindergarten-readiness assessments, including advances and concerns. See comments by Kyle Snow and Libby Doggett in the excerpts below. All 3,500 kindergarten teachers in Maryland are using a new readiness assessment...

Birth-3rd is about all manner of collaboration, and most collaboration requires meetings of one kind or another. Kathryn Parker Boudett and Elizabeth City of Data Wise fame have a new book, Meeting Wise: Making the Most...

Massachusetts has issued a revised version of its Foundational Competencies and Essential Experiences document and is seeking feedback by the end of this week. From the website: Massachusetts has embarked on an exciting journey –...

Congratulations to Dr. Valora Washington and the CAYL Institute on its 10th anniversary. Its community of practice now includes over 600 fellows. I attended the anniversary celebration a couple of weeks ago, where the strength...